Holidays in Poland, both national and church holidays, are often associated with the holiday plans of Poles. Poles are very eager to use the extra days off to extend their holidays. It is therefore worth knowing in advance when the public holidays in [year] will be, so that you can plan your holidays or trip to Poland.
Bank holidays in Poland in 2022
In Poland, there are 13 bank holidays in total. Some holidays such as Corpus Christi have movable dates, but most holidays in Poland have fixed dates.
- 1 January (Saturday) – New Year’s Day (Nowy Rok)
- 6 January (Thursday) – Epiphany (Święto Trzech Króli)
- 17 April (Sunday) – Easter (Wielkanoc)
- 18 April (Monday) – Easter Monday (Poniedziałek Wielkanocny)
- 1 May (Sunday) – Labour Day (Święto Pracy)
- 3 May (Tuesday) – National Day of the Third May (Konstytucji 3 Maja)
- 1 June (Sunday) – Whitsun (Zielone Świątki)
- 16 June (Thursday) – Corpus Christi (Boże Ciało)
- 15 August (Monday) – Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny)
- 1 November (Tuesday) – All Saints’ Day (Wszystkich Świętych)
- 11 November (Friday) – National Independence Day (Dzień Niepodległości)
- 25 December (Sunday) – First Christmas Day (Pierwszy dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia)
- 26 December (Monday) – Second Christmas Day (Drugi dzień Świąt Bożego Narodzenia)
Important dates for Poles in 2022
Popular observances in Poland are also: Grandmother’s Day, Grandfather’s Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and Valentine’s Day. However, these are not holidays.
Below is a list of all important dates in Poland:
- January 21 (Thursday) – Grandmother’s Day (Dzień Babci)
- 22 January (Friday) – Grandfather’s Day (Dzień Dziadka)
- 14 February (Sunday) – Valentine’s Day (Walentynki)
- 8 March (Monday) – Women’s Day (Dzień Kobiet)
- 28 March (Sunday) – The change to summer time in Poland (clocks are moved forward by one hour)
- 2 April (Friday) – Good Friday (Wielki Piątek)
- 26 May (Wednesday) – Mother’s Day (Dzień Matki)
- 1 June (Tuesday) – Children’s Day (Dzień Dziecka)
- 23 June (Wednesday) – Father’s Day (Dzień Ojca)
- 31 October (Sunday) – The change to winter time in Poland (clocks are moved back one hour)
- 29 November (Monday) – St Andrew’s Day (Andrzejki)
- 24 December (Friday) – Christmas Eve (Wigilia)
- 31 December (Friday) – New Year’s Eve (Sylwester)
Public holidays in 2022 falling on a Saturday
According to Polish law, if a public holiday falls on a Saturday, the employer is obliged to designate an additional day off. This only applies to employees who do not work on Saturdays. In 2021, there is 1 such holiday: New Year’s Day (1 January).
Last Updated on 08/19/2022