Looking for something to do on July 28th? Check out our day guide! We’ve got all the info you need on what’s happening around the world on this day. From festivals and holidays to important historical events, we’ve got you covered. So whether you’re looking for something to celebrate or just want to learn more about what happened on this day in history, our guide is a great resource. So go ahead and take a look – you might just find something new and exciting to do on July 28th!
Holidays and observances celebrated on July 28
- Anniversary of the Fall of Fascism and Freedom Day
- Baptism Day of Kyivan Rus
- Buffalo Soldiers Day
- Darwin Show Day
- Day of Cantabria Institutions
- H.M. King’s Birthday
- National Milk Chocolate Day
- National Soccer Day
- National Talk in an Elevator Day
- Peru Independence Day
- St. Olav’s Eve in Faroe Islands
- System Administrator Appreciation Day
- Tabaski Day
- World Hepatitis Day
- World Nature Conservation Day
Other holidays in July
Last Updated on 11/01/2022