Looking for something to do on July 27th? Check out our day guide! We’ve got all the info you need on what’s happening around the world on this day. From festivals and holidays to important historical events, we’ve got you covered. So whether you’re looking for something to celebrate or just want to learn more about what happened on this day in history, our guide is a great resource. So go ahead and take a look – you might just find something new and exciting to do on July 27th!
Holidays and observances celebrated on July 27
- Ashura
- Bagpipe Appreciation Day
- Barbie-in-a-Blender Day
- Birthday of Dr. Jose Celso Barbosa
- Chicken Finger Day
- Chilli Dog Day
- Cross Atlantic Communication Day
- Earth Overshoot Day
- Fast of Ninth of Av
- Gary Gygax Day
- Iglesia ni Cristo Day
- International Digital Adoption (DAP) Professionals Day
- National Carson Day
- National Chili Dog Day
- National Creme Brûlée Day
- National Intern Day
- National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day
- National Love is Kind Day
- National Nancy Day
- National New Jersey Day
- National Refreshment Day
- National Roanoke Community Beautification Day
- National Scotch Day
- National Sheila Day
- National Sleepy Head Day
- Norfolk Day
- Take Your Houseplant For A Walk Day
- Take Your Pants for a Walk Day
- Tassoua
- Walk On Stilts Day
Other holidays in July
Last Updated on 11/01/2022